Benefits of Resistance Training

We have all heard of resistance training in one form or another. You may not be familiar with the term “resistance training”, but you have probably heard of weight training or strength training, which are largely the same thing. Essentially, resistance training focuses on the idea that your muscles will work to overcome an opposing force when they are demanded to do so.

Lifting Weights to Reduce Chronic Disease

Chronic diseases have become the number-one cause of death in the world. Chronic diseases are typically associated with the elderly, but their prevalence in younger demographics is on the rise. Regular participation in resistance training can help combat:

  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Back pain
  • Obesity

Muscle Fights Fat

Let’s face it, we would all like to reduce our body fat or be able to eat that extra bowl of ice cream without feeling guilty, and resistance training can help with that. Science now shows that when you engage in resistance training, you improve your overall metabolism. This increase in metabolism is due to the increase in type 2 muscle fibers that you develop when you resistance-train (2008 issue of Cell Metabolism, Boston University). An increase in metabolism allows an individual to reduce body fat without changing their diet. Since your body works much harder to maintain muscle mass than it does fat, you will naturally burn more calories throughout the day as you build more muscle.


Inside Training for the Outside World

Resistance training allows an individual to learn how to recruit the right muscles in a particular sequence by developing proper muscle recruitment patterns, which allows them to become better equipped to preform their daily-life activities without injury. Additionally, resistance training helps develop better posture, mobility, balance, and stamina. All of these factors help an individual maintain their independence as they age.

Improve Your State of Mind

In addition to its physical benefits, resistance training also has numerous psychological benefits that can help improve an individual’s overall health. Resistance training has been found to decrease depression and stress levels. People who participate in resistance training also have improved sleep patterns, as well as higher self-esteem.

Now that you know the benefits of resistance training, let’s look at the different types and examine the advantages and disadvantages of each.



  • Smith Machine
  • Leg Press
  • Pec-Deck


  • Simple to use
  • Relatively safe
  • Do not require a lot of coordination


  • Require a lot of space
  • Expensive
  • Typically only work one muscle group at a time


Free Weights (Barbells and Dumbbells)


  • Sqauts
  • Bench Press
  • Bicep Curl


  • Self-selected movement based your personal preference
  • Variety of exercises with a single piece of equipment
  • Recruit multiple muscle groups at once
  • Develop coordination


  • Require knowledge and technique
  • Risk of injury through the potential of dropping the weight


Exercise Tubing (Bands)


  • Bicep Curls
  • Tricep Extensions
  • Shoulder Press


  • Portable
  • Inexpensive
  • Store easily
  • Variety of exercises with a single piece of equipment
  • Easy to use


  • May snap if overused or if it comes in contact with a sharp object
  • Lose elasticity overtime


Body weight


  • Pull-Ups
  • Push-Ups
  • Crunches


  • Can be done almost anywhere
  • Little to no equipment needed


  • May be hard to preform with good technique
  • Cannot change body weight
    • You can use a vest or hold a dumbbell to increase or modify the movement (going on knees for a push-up/using a chair for a pull-up) to decrease resistance


How to Get Started

Understanding the physical and psychological advantages of resistance training is only the first step of the journey to a healthier lifestyle. Most individuals find that the hardest part of beginning any new type of exercise program is actually getting started. I suggest you do research to see what types of training you prefer and that you feel you can be consistent with overtime. Always remember to consult your physician to see what level of training is appropriate for you. Some other helpful strategies may be to:

  • Find a workout partner that shares your same overall goals
  • Join a group fitness class
  • Develop a schedule that provides a balance between exercising and other aspects of your life, such as work and school
  • Invest in at-home fitness program DVDs as an alternative to going to a gym


2 thoughts on “Benefits of Resistance Training

  1. I agree, getting started is the hardest part. It’s intimidating when starting something new. Running, or cardio in general, is just more comfortable, but resistance training is an important aspect of exercise also. Groso exercise classes are a great way to get started. I like that you gave advantages and disadvantages of different strength training exercises. Nice post!


  2. Very organized and informative. Great animations, made the blog enjoyable. I think tennis is a great sport to know how to play and you can play it at any age! Nice work!


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